This section is generated from questions asked by you! As a new event, and to get the ball rolling, we have offered some answers to what we think may be some of the early questions raised. And remember, there is no such thing as a daft question so please don't be afraid to ask for answers from the Event Co-Ordinator. Your question, and our response, will (if necessary) be added to the list below (and we promise not to append your name and organisation even if it is a really daft question after all!)
Will the event be COVID-19 compliant?
The event will comply with any central government guidelines, event venue procedures or local regional host requirements with regards to social distancing, mask wearing, numbers attending etc.
If our organisation will only fund three team delegate places can we still enter?
The recommended minimum number of team members is 4 and the maximum 6 - less than 4 would result in you being overworked and perhaps not benefitting from the training objectives. However, if you can only generate 3 people then please talk to the event co-ord as they may be able to create a joint team with another similar organisation that is short on numbers.
Do I need to bring any equipment with me?
Each team will be provided with a laptop suitably configured for the event. Whilst bringing your own laptop or tablet device is not forbidden please remember that space (both on your desk and recharging facilities) will be limited.
So is anything forbidden?
Yes - printers and scanners are not welcome! On space grounds we would also suggest that hard copies of policies and procedures are not brought with you on the day. They may also not be applicable to the scenario in play....
What refreshments are available?
Tea, coffee and water will be available on arrival and throughout the day. For the large regional events a working lunch will be provided and either a silver service or buffet dinner will be served between the end of the main event and the awards ceremony. Delegates with special dietary requirements must inform the event co-ordinator no later than two weeks prior to the event.
Is it all about winning?
No. Whilst prizes are awarded at the end of the day the key aim is for you and your colleagues to learn and develop new skills.
Do I have to be a manager already to participate?
No. The concept behind the event is to learn and develop new skills. You are never too old (or young) to learn new tricks!
Is there lots of preparation required beforehand?
No. Whilst you will be sent some reading material beforehand (which we advise you to read before the event onboarding) if you over prepare and try to second-guess the direction the scenario will go then it may adversely constrain your thinking and learning on the day. It would, however, be worth while meeting as a team beforehand to get to know each other (if necessary) and decide amongst you who is going to lead the team.
How realistic are the scenarios?
With the best will in the world it is impossible to replicate real life exactly. The compressed time means things need to move a lot quicker and there may be assumptions made about the decision making process that wouldn't normally past muster. The journey that you take to get to decision is equally important as whether that decision will stand up to close scrutiny!
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Last Site Update: 10th February 2025