Image of the Tri Sector Challenge logo


The information contained here is relevant to Role Players only.

The event relies upon volunteers supporting the event. Ideally these volunteers are from organisations local to the event and are suitable experts in their field. There are a number of different roles available. If you are interested in volunteering to be a role player please click here to see generic job requirements. Volunteers need to be available from, as a minimum, 8.30am until 5pm (but are, of course, more than welcome, in fact positively encouraged, to also attend the post-event dinner and awards show (which generally finishes no later than 8.00pm)).

As an organisation, we are committed to Equal Opportunities, recognising the benefits of utilising volunteer partners, wherever possible, which reflect the diversity of the regional community. We welcome offers of support from anyone who feels they meet the 'person specifications' below - please contact us to register an interest (clearly stating which event and which role you are interested in). Please note that we may need to forward your details to our regional partners for action depending on the region of interest requested.

For those already appointed as role players for a forthcoming event please click here for event specific detail. The sub-pages are password protected. The password to access the Game Play Guides and Practice Scoresheets can be found in the relevant joining instructions. The password for the event scoresheets will be made available on the day of the event.



The Principals provide the strategic direction to the teams, offering both strategic and political guidance. Ideally, they will be from a similar background to the team specialism (local authority, police, fire, charity, housing association or NHS). However, sufficient guidance will be provided to all non-specialists. The scenario will also take this into account.

The nominated individuals will guide up to 4 different teams (ideally, none of which will be their "real world" organisation!)


The enablers are required to role play a number of organisations in face-to-face meetings with the teams. Because of the nature of the event the key attributes required for this role are flexibility (in terms of being able to prepare for a required role with as little as 15 mins notice), the ability to think on one’s feet and a sense of humour!

Enablers will meet with numerous different team throughout the day (none of which will be from their "real world" organisation) and be provided with full background information and lines to take.

Event Overwatch

The Event Overwatch are the Tim Campbell and Karren Brady from Apprentice UK. Circulating around the room they observe, monitor and assess (to a set criteria) the teams during the moments that they are not in a formal meeting.


Log In & Password Required (see Event specific (role player) Joining Instructions)